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About Julita Manor

Julita Manor is an estate by Lake Öljaren, within barely a two-hour journey from Stockholm in the province of Sörmland. Swedish museum Nordiska museet owns and has preserved the estate since 1941. Today, Julita Manor is an inspiring destination for adults and children alike.

The history of Julita Manor is unique and spans over a thousand years. Today, it showcases how a large estate looked and operated in Sörmland during the early 20th century, with stables, barns, a brickworks, fire station, dairy, cottages, and tenant farmer housing – nearly 360 buildings are spread across the estate’s grounds. The estate covers 2200 hectares of land with the manor area, forests, farmland, and fishing waters.

Stor gul herrgård med välordnad symmetrisk trädgård i förgrunden.

Lieutenant Arthur Bäckström’s private home

The last private owner, Lieutenant Arthur Bäckström, bequeathed Julita Manor to the Nordic Museum in 1941. We care for and preserve the environments as they appeared since Arthur Bäckström’s time around the year 1900. The main house, as we know it today, was built during the first half of the 1730s. Today, the house primarily showcases Arthur Bäckström’s private home and possessions.

Manor Park and Cultural-historical Gardens

The manor area also includes an extensive park with kitchen, fruit, hop, and style gardens. Approximately 290 fruit trees grow here, and the Nordic Museum’s living collections of cultivated plants are found here.

Living Collections

Nordiska museet is one of the first museums in the world to work on preserving living collections of cultivated plants for future generations. At Julita Manor and gardens, there are, among other things, clone archives for apples and hops, a peony collection, a geranium collection and older kitchen plants collected from various parts of Sweden.